Create a routed Access Point with Raspberry Pi and OpenWrt


In this article, I will show you how to configure your Rapberry Pi 3 into a routed WiFi access point. This configuration is a little bit more complicated than the configuration of my previous post that is available under the following link :

In this configuration, the WiFi clients are on a different subnet than the management workstation. The Raspi will act as a router and forward all packets from the clients to the Lan network using Masquerading (Port Address Translation)





Get the current OpenWrt image

UPDATE : At time of this writing (November 2019), most recent releases of OpenWRT have a known bug preventing the use of the WiFi interface.

The only solution I found to circumvent this problem is to install an old release of OpenWRT (version 18.06.1) that did not have this bug, and afterwards to upgrade to the latest version of OpenWrt directely from the console of OpenWrt.

So, start by downloading the latest release of OpenWRT that works with the WiFi interface


Take the current factory image (openwrt-18.06.1-brcm2708-bcm2710-rpi-3-ext4-factory.img.gz)

Burn the image with etcher

Change LAN IP address of Raspi


For this you will need to configure your management workstation IP address to with subnet mask


Then open a browser and access to the default IP of the Raspi (


By default, the password is empty.


Then, navigate to Network – Interfaces and edit LAN interface


Disable DHCP server on this interface


To apply this configuration, you will need to first click on "Save & Apply" and then force apply with "Apply unchecked".


Your Raspi is now available under

You can revert your management workstation Ip configuration to DHCP.


Begin by doing some cleanup


Open a browser and access to the new IP address of the Raspi (

Navigate to Network – Wireless and remove the default wireless SSID OpenWrt (see below)


Navigate to Network – Firewall, and under "General Settings" delete all Zones and click "Save and apply"


Under "Traffic Rules", check that all rules are gone

Create a new wireless SSID for Guest


Navigate to Network - Wireless and add a new SSID called "Guest" associated with a network called "Guest" too.


Do not forget to specify you Country Code (in my case Switzerland) in order for your device to comply with established international rules (Advanced settings)


Click "Save and Apply" and you should now have a brand new SSID (see below)


Click "Enable" to activate the new SSID


Set your Contry code

Configure the new Guest Interface


Navigate to Network – Interface and edit the newly created Guest Interface


Under General Setup, change the protocol from "Unmanaged" to "Static address"


Then click "Switch protocol" and configure the IP address and the netmask of the Guest Interface


Assign a DHCP server to this interface and click "Save and Apply"


Create firewall Zones for the interfaces


Navigate to Network – Interfaces and edit the LAN Interface


Under "Firewall Settings" create a new zone called LAN (notice that DHCP server should be disabled for the LAN interface)


Click "Save and Apply"

Do the same for Interface Guest. Navigate to Network – Interfaces and edit the Guest Interface


Under "Firewall Settings" create a new zone called Guest (notice that DHCP server should be enabled for the GUEST interface)


Click "Save and Apply"

Configure the firewall


Navigate to Network – Firewall, you should now see two zones


Edit the zone "Guest" and configure it as bellow:


Click "Save and Apply"

Edit the zone "Lan" and configure it as bellow:


Click "Save and Apply"

The Firewall – Zones Settings should look like this


Click on "Save and Apply"

Navigate to Network - Wireless and enable the newly created SSID "Guest"

Then, check if it works by connecting a wireless device to the "Guest" SSID


UPDATE : now if you want to upgrade to the latest version of OpenWrt, you can get the latest sysupgrade image from OpenWrt doenload site


And perform the upgrade from OpenWrt console (System- Backup/Flash firmware)


Verify that the lastest version was installed correctly (Status – Overview)


The new version should work like a charm…

That's all folks